Lalla Fatma
N'Soumer, heroine of the Djurdjura, was born in a village near Ain El
Hammam in 1830, the year when the French occupied Algeria. Her real name was
Fatma Sid Ahmed. The nickname, NSoumer, was given to her because of her strength and because she lived in the village of Soumer.
father was the head of the Quranic School, which was
linked with the Zawyia Rahmaniya of Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abderrahmane Abu Qabrein.
At a young age, Fatma
memorized the Qur'an, simply by listening to her fathers disciples when they chanted the various surats (chapters). Those close
to her described her as having a stupendous memory and being greatly gifted.
After her
fathers death, Fatma directed the Quranic school
with her brother, Si Mohand Tayeb. She took special care of the children and
the poor. In addition to her great piety, her notable wisdom, and piercing
intelligence, she had an excellent reputation throughout the region of Kabylia.
Fatma NSoumer was only sixteen years old when French soldiers occupied Kabylia.
The region
was taken like the country's other regions, not without violent fighting. But
the insurrection led by Lalla Fatma NSoumer remains one of the
most important because of this lady fighters bravery and nobility. The enemy referred to
her as the Joan of Ark of the Djurdjura, a comparison that the religious Fatma
NSoumer did not accept. Armed with an unshakable faith, she threw herself
in bloody battles to push back the enemy.
In Oued
Sebaou, in 1854, when Fatma was 24 years old, she gave the French army (several
times her superior in number and supplies) a lesson in courage and
determination. During this famous battle, led by Mohamed El Amdjed Ibn
Abdelmalek (nicknamed Boubaghla), who almost gave the French troops the
advantage, Fatma, heading an army of men and women, took control and led her
people to victory, a victory that was heralded throughout Kabylia. The mosques,
zawiyas, and Quranic schools burst into chants of praise in honor of the heroine of the
Randon, who did not accept this defeat, asked the inhabitants of Azazga to help
him reach Fatma NSoumers quarters and to end
"her legend and misdeeds." The response to his emissary was to
"Go to the one who
sent you, and tell him our ears cannot hear the language of he who asks us to
betray." The reaction of the general in turn was that "as long as
they remain deaf to our appeals, I will make them hear the sound of our

finally asked for a cease-fire, which was accepted by Fatma NSoumer, a political and military strategic decision. She planned to use the period of the
cease-fire to improve her organization and reinforce her troops. The fields
were plowed and sowed, and arms factories were installed in all corners of the
region. However, this cease fire, like other signed cease fires and treaties,
like those with Emir Abdelkader, was not respected by the French. After three
years, in 1857, they broke their word after having prepared their armies and
launched offensives against several large cities which where, until then,
difficult to overtake.
Fatma NSoumer, whose influence motivated the fighters for freedom, appealed to
the people for a last and supreme effort. It was a matter of occupying three
strategically important positions. Surrounded by women of the region, Lalla Fatma directed the
fight and encouraged the volunteers who remained. The battle was lost, however.
In the same
year, Fatma was arrested, imprisoned in the Issers then in Tablat. The French
soldiers spent her fortune, which had been used toward caring for the disciples
of her brothers zawiya. Her rich library, which contained a
rich source of scientific and religious works from the region, was completely
Lalla Fatma
NSoumer died in 1863. The hardship from her incarceration and the frustration from her inability to
act against the aggressions and insults to which her people were submitted,
affected her so deeply that her health deteriorated. She was only 33
years old.
RispondiEliminaPouvez-vous retirer cette photo qui n'a aucun rapport avec LA Chahida Lalla Fatma N'soumer, Ellah yarhamha.
La photo prise par un photographe suisse Jean Geiser est une insulte à la mémoire de la chahida morte dans les geôles françaises .
Plusieurs des femmes photographiées par cet homme étaient des prostitués... Wallah iibe wa haram